Pang Tseng Ying



My mom and her other siblings were recently going through my grandpa’s personal effects, sorting it all out. I was there on the side, helping out and sifting through his things with interest. There were a few of his art supplies there, like some brushes and watercolors, and many of his stone stamps, and many other random items. I never knew much about his history, to me he was just my grandpa who happened to be able to paint. But recently, on several occasions, I talked with my mom about him and she told me many stories of their life long before I was around.


I recently searched the internet through a few of the more popular search engines for Pang Tseng Ying, to see what information I could find out in the digital world. The results that it returned were to a few sites that are selling a handful of miscellaneous prints of his, and maybe a blip about where and when he was born, but there was very little else. There was no place where you could see a more comprehensive collection of his work, or even find information about the person. I even tried various library databases for articles but even many of those only have archives starting from the mid- eighties. So I created this site straight from the information that my family has collected, which took a bit of work since not much of it is organized. In addition, maybe half of the tidbits we have collected is written in chinese, and reading chinese is a skill that I seemed to have misplaced.


Hopefully, as time permits, I will be able to add these information to this site. In the meantime, this site will provide a start for anyone interested in my grandfather’s work. Now there is a home on the internet for things relating to my grandpa Pang Tseng Ying.

Thanks for visiting, Wes